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Our Stories film crew was working on two documentaries during august

Our Stories film crew has been visiting during august in different spots at Kemi-Tornio area….

Tornio-Haparanda Language school – språkskolan

Kielikoulu – Språkskolan is a school on the border of Finland and Sweden. Located in…

Update “The Heart of a Story”: Storytelling by FOOD

We are pleased to announce that Björn Ylipää, Creative Director at Måltidsvision (Swedish for ‘food with…

Art in all its forms

Gunhild Stensmyr is a Swedish curator and cultural entrepreneur. She has studied archaeology, ethnology and…

From dairy farm to boutique

Pia Hulkoff is an entrepreneur at the Hulkoffgården family company in Korpikylä, Tornedalen. – My…

Why we moved back home

Hege Liland and her family chose to leave the city life in Tromsø behind to…

The heart of a story

Storytelling as a marketing tool for connecting people Date: 29.-30.8.2017 (with travels 28.-31.8.) Location: Halti,…

Tarinallistaminen on osallistumista

Tornio-Haaparannan matkailukoordinaattori Sisko Kalliokoski näkee potentiaalia Revontultentien ja sen lähiympäristön tarinoiden tuotteistamisessa matkailuyrittäjille. Useamman maan…

The story collection Road-trip from Tornio to Storslett and back

On Sunday 5.2.2017 we kicked off our Story collection road-trip from The Museum of Tornio…

Tarinakiertue käynnistyy Torniosta 5.2.2017

Tervetuloa kuulemaan Meidän tarinamme (Our Stories) -projektista ja jakamaan tarinasi Tarinakiertueella Aika: 5.2.-10.2.2017 Paikka: Tornio,…

Our Stories attracted media in Rajalla shopping centre

The media event was organised 10.1.2017 in Tornio. The project team presented the project to…

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All rights reserved | Our Stories/My Story | GDPR
Design & code: Gnist / Illustrations: Anna Koi