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The heart of a story

Storytelling as a marketing tool for connecting people
Date: 29.-30.8.2017 (with travels 28.-31.8.)

Location: Halti, Storslett & workshop at Ovi Raishiin/Visitor Point Reisadalen and visits to local tourism-based businesses.
The event is organised to inspire and give tools to companies and associations along the Northern Lights Route to use stories in marketing and to present story examples.

The seminar will be held in English.

Monday 28.8. 
19:00 Arriving to Storslett & common dinner (not included)

Tuesday 29.8.
Morning Session, Halti
9:00-10:00 Opening & Coffee,
Saila Puukko (Lapland UAS) & Inger Birkelund (Ihana! AS)
10:00-11:00 Keynote1: The psychology of storytelling: “Get hooked and stay connected”
Tove I. Dahl, Professor, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

11:00-11:15 Coffee break

11:15-12:00 Keynote 2: Tourism and storytelling: “Asian perspective in nature, spirituality & sustainability”
Young-Sook Lee, Professor, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
12:00-12:40 Examples & Experiences of using Storytelling in Travel Industry
Björn Ylipää, Måltidsvision

13:00-14:00 Lunch at Halti

14:00-15:00 Free time & exhibitions & shops

Evening session – Workshop, Ovi Raishiin (Outdoor)
15:00-16:00 Transport to Ovi Raishiin, the Visitor Point, Reisa national park

16:00 -17:00 Guiding at Ovi Raishiin, coffée&fika
Odd Rudberg, CEO at Reisa National Park

17.00 – 20:00 Workshop Part 1: Stories into practice & Networking dinner
Facilitator Inger Birkelund, Ihana! AS and Elina Stoor, Lapland UAS

20:00-22:00 Workshop Part 2: Making food together with Björn Ylipää

22:00 Transport back to Storslett

Wednesday (30.8.) 

Morning session, study visits at local companies
09:00-12:00 Practical examples using storytelling:

9.00-10.15 Local horse breed – Lyngshestlandet (Outdoor)
10.30-12.00 Making your own handcraft from Reisa Skinnprodukter.
Storytelling from the northernmost syrup fabric: Reisa AS (Kronebutikken)

12:00-13:00 Lunch at Kronebutikken

Afternoon session, Halti
13:00-14:00 Wrapping up, connecting the dots & next steps
Facilitator: Professor Tove I. Dahl

14:00 Travelling back to Pajala/Haparanda/Tornio

Here is the event program


Business along the Northern Lights Route?

MyStory project promotes small tourism companies in the Northern Lights Route area through corporate storytelling and digital marketing.

MyStory project

All rights reserved | Our Stories/My Story | GDPR
Design & code: Gnist / Illustrations: Anna Koi