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Tuttula Jenkka

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Photo: Lasse Stenman

Mikael Niemi’s book Popular Music from Vittula has been an inspiration to this humorous jenka. The book describes life in the upper Tornio River Valley, about 50 years ago, honestly and colourfully.

The world is changing, even in Pajala, and modern development is not always free of problems. The new challenges the old, but as we used to say here, that’s all right – no worries mate!

VisaNordica – The Sound of the Northern Lights Route

The stories behind the songs are written by singer/artist/landscape architect Elina Söderström and all the songs and lyrics are written by singer-songwriter/producer Esa Rautiainen, from Studio E-City, which is one of the partners in the project Our Stories. Elina and Esa are also members of the music group VisaNordica.

Our task in this project was to make songs with historical perspective. We hope You enjoy the musical journey along the Northern Lights Route with us!

Elina Söderström, Project Manager, Studio E-City ky

Mikael Niemen kirja Populäärimusiikkia Vittulanjänkältä on ollut innoittajana tähän humoristiseen jenkkaan. Kirjassa kuvataan elämää ylemmässä Torniojokilaaksossa, n. 50 vuotta sitten, hienostelematta ja värikkäästi.

Maailma muuttuu, Pajalassakin, ja moderni kehitys ei aina ole ongelmatonta, uusi haastaa vanhan, mutta niin ko met pruukaamma sanoa täälä päin – ehän s’ole poka mikhään!

Country of origin: Finland

Business along the Northern Lights Route?

MyStory project promotes small tourism companies in the Northern Lights Route area through corporate storytelling and digital marketing.

MyStory project

All rights reserved | Our Stories/My Story | GDPR
Design & code: Gnist / Illustrations: Anna Koi