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Lyrics and music by Kristin Mellem

Going back

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Lyrics&Music: Kristin Mellem

The young coast-dwelling Sámi girl Hege Liland left her home region and moved to the university town of Tromsø. Despite her education and a brilliant career, something was completely wrong. The answer came up on the mountain: your heart has known this for a long time, you must go back. Hege and her family packed their things, and bought a farm in Nord-Troms region. A new life with organic food production.

«It came by itself, the mountain just knew it. It came by itself, the forest just sang. All that I needed was hearing the song, all that I needed was belief.»

As one of five partners in the Interreg project Our Stories along the Northern Lights Route, the group JORD has been behind this music production.

Participating musicians
Erling Fredriksson double bass, vocals
Jan Johansson accordion, vocals
Johanna Lindgren vocals
Susanne Rantatalo vocals
Rebecka Digervall vocals
Kristin Mellem violin, vocals
Isidor Abdelkader drums
Jonas Palo guitar
Recording technician, music producer, programmer: Tomas Bäcklund Thuneström
Mixing and mastering: Nils Johansson, Ballerina Audio
Recorded in the BD Pop studio in Luleå, Sweden in January 2018


Tittel: Tilbake

Den unge sjøsamen Hege Liland forlot hjembygda og flyttet til universitetsbyen Tromsø. Utdanning og en lysende karriere til tross – noe var helt feil. Oppe på fjellet kom svaret: Hjertet ditt har visst det lenge, du skal tilbake. Hege og familien brøt opp, kjøpte bondegård i Nord-Troms. Et nytt liv med økologisk matproduksjon.

«Det kom av seg sjøl, det var fjellan som visste. Det kom av seg sjøl, det var skogen sin sang. Alt det eg trengte var å lytte til sangen, alt det eg trengte var å tru».

Gruppen JORD har som en av fem parter i Interreg Nord projektet Our Stories along the Northern Lights Route stått bakom denna musikproduktion.


Medverkande musiker
Erling Fredriksson double bass, vocals
Jan Johansson accordion, vocals
Johanna Lindgren vocals
Susanne Rantatalo vocals
Rebecka Digervall vocals
Kristin Mellem violin, vocals
Isidor Abdelkader drums
Jonas Palo guitar
Recording technician, music producer, programmer: Tomas Bäcklund Thuneström
Mixing and mastering: Nils Johansson, Ballerina Audio
Recorded in the BD Pop studio in Luleå, Sweden in January 2018

Country of origin: Norway

Business along the Northern Lights Route?

MyStory project promotes small tourism companies in the Northern Lights Route area through corporate storytelling and digital marketing.

MyStory project

All rights reserved | Our Stories/My Story | GDPR
Design & code: Gnist / Illustrations: Anna Koi