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The Landscape of the Northern Lights Route

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The Northern Lights Route extends from the Gulf of Bothnia to the Arctic Ocean. This area is thousands of years old, an ancient cultural environment, full of stories and the landscape is very beautiful. For many, the Northern Lights Route is still quite unknown, even though it was named as an official tourist road in Finland in 2002. This analysis of the landscape of the Northern Lights Route contributes to making this unique cultural area better known to general public.

The Landscape of the Northern Lights Route

This analysis is made by one of the project partners: Elina Söderström, a Landscape Architect, musician and tourism entrepreneur from Studio E-City.

Revontultentien maisemat

Revontultentie ulottuu Perämeren pohjukasta Jäämerelle. Alue on tuhansia vuosia vanhaa kulttuuriympäristöä, täynnä tarinoita ja maisemiltaan erittäin kaunis. Revontultentie on monelle edelleen melko tuntematon, vaikka tie nimettiin viralliseksi matkailutieksi Suomessa jo vuonna 2002. Tämä analyysi Revontulten tien maisemista ja vähän muustakin pyrkii osaltaan tekemään tunnetuksi tätä ainutlaatuista kulttuurialuetta.

Revontultentien maisemat

Analyysin on laatinut maisema-arkkitehti, muusikko ja matkailuyrittäjä Elina Söderström Studio E-City ky:stä, yksi Our Stories-hankkeen kumppaneista.

Country of origin: Finland

Business along the Northern Lights Route?

MyStory project promotes small tourism companies in the Northern Lights Route area through corporate storytelling and digital marketing.

MyStory project

All rights reserved | Our Stories/My Story | GDPR
Design & code: Gnist / Illustrations: Anna Koi