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Rafting on the border river

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Sigurd Uusitalo is living outside Pajala in the little village Kengis. He tells a story about his grandfather who went to America. He built himself a raft and went down the river from Monio to Haparanda. When he came to Haparanda/Tornio he sold the logs and bought the ticket to the ship. He got many skills in America but when he came back to his home village no one valued that, they thought he was just a boaster.

The story is in Finnish (Meänkieli).

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Saila Puukko
Lapland UAS

Kauppakatu 58
95400 Tornio

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Studio E-City ky

Saarenpäänkatu 39
95430 Tornio

+358 (0)44 0931214


Inger Birkelund
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Hovedveien 2
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+47 92055728


Annika Kronqvist
Svefi Academy

Torget 3
SE-953 32 Haparanda

+46 922 688 17


Erling Fredriksson
JORD Ek. För.

Kyrkbacken 21
980 61 Tärendö
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