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Lapland Niva Lodge – A family’s story from the Muonio River

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Bernt Lindbäck tells the story of his family’s farm

In the early 1900s my grandfather Hilding moved from Haparanda to the village Huuki, on the banks of the Muonio River. He had been offered work in the timber industry there. At first, he started out as a timber measurer, but he quickly showed talent and a great will to learn. Soon he had become skilled carpenter.

It was there in Huuki, that Hilding met my grandmother Lina. Lina’s family owned the Nivagården farm, so the young woman knew the value of a good day’s work. The hardworking carpenter impressed her, and it was not before the two got married. After the wedding, the couple moved back to Haparanda, where my grandfather continued refining his craft and became a master builder.

When Hilding was 85 years old, a great ice release on the Muonio River upended the Nivagården farm. My grandfather felt he was too old to do the necessary renovations himself. Instead he decided that, after 30 years, it was time for me to take over the family farm. Suddenly I had become the owner of a damaged farmstead from the 1600s, Huukis tallest mountain, and my grandfather’s expectations for their further development!

Since then, my family and I have worked hard to restore the Nivagården and create a home away from home for all visitors to Huuki village. Under the name Lapland Niva lodge, we have created a place that is living cultural heritage, still is as cozy and close to nature as it was in my grandfather’s days. And just like him, we’re still caring for the forest surrounding our Lodge. Through at, we can offset the emission from our business. and to further reduce our footprint, we’re also enacting the 4 R’s of waste prevention (reduce, reuse, repair and recycle) in all our activities. This is is our sustainable tourism pledge.

When you visit us, you can relax, enjoy seasonal, locally sourced food, and explore on the secret paths of the Torne River Smugglers. Welcome to Huuki – Welcome home!


Say hi to Bernt!
  Lapland Niva Lodge

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