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The first workshop of the Business Support Program took a place! A short summary of how it went

So, 20 and 21 of October 2020, MyStory-project successfully held the first workshop of the Digital Storytelling Support Program!

Unfortunately, the situation with Covid-19 has worsened in Finland, that is why new restrictions were announced. And following these instructions Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish participants would not be able to gather all together. But despite this, MyStory-project team was able to find digital solutions for the workshop to take place! Therefore, using a special platform Teams, our Finnish and Swedish participants took part in the workshop remotely, and the Norwegian participants gathered all together and were broadcasting from the meeting place. Of course, we ran into some minor technical issues during the online session, but our team tried to do everything possible to fix these problems.

The workshop consisted of two days. On the first day, of course, the opening of the workshop took place. First, our Norwegian team members presented the project itself for better understanding. And then there was a presentation of the workshop participants themselves, that is, the companies. Here, our Finnish storytelling expert Elina took on the role of the leader. Before the workshop took place, she created an interactive map using the digital tool and platform named Padlet, where all our participants added themselves. And during the presentation of the companies, Elina used this map so that each participant could tell a little bit about themselves.

slide map

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Elina’s “MyStory Team” interactive map on the Padlet platform

Then, our Norwegian expert Simen took the leading role. During his speech, he interacted well with the audience from both the Norwegian and Finnish sides. The main topic of his speech was the introduction to purpose-driven storytelling. He was talking about what storytelling is and why it is so important now. Moreover, Simen was talking about what and how to do to create a story in order to tell it to others, what is the purpose of your storytelling.

photo physical participants

photo digital meeting

Presentation “Introduction to purpose driven storytelling” from Simen

On the second day, each of the experts split up and worked with their sides, Elina was working with the Finnish participants and Simen with the Norwegian ones. During the second day of the workshop, each of the experts was helping the participants to develop a first version of the goal for storytelling, how and what should be done and how best to convey their story to the clients.

Despite some difficulties that we faced, the workshop went well, our storytelling experts provided a lot of good information for our participants. And we hope that our participants were impressed after the workshop and that all the information provided to them was useful and necessary for them!


Business along the Northern Lights Route?

MyStory project promotes small tourism companies in the Northern Lights Route area through corporate storytelling and digital marketing.

MyStory project

All rights reserved | Our Stories/My Story | GDPR
Design & code: Gnist / Illustrations: Anna Koi