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Scriptwriting workshop for Business Support Program companies was held! A short summary on how it went

On Tuesday 11th of May MyStory project held our second workshop for our business support program companies.

Because Covid-19 situation is still bad, we had to delay our planed second workshop to October so that it can be held in person. Instead of this, was decided to hold a one-day digital workshop focused on script writing via Teams.

To start up the day officially we asked the participants their expectations for the day and gave some information on using Teams.

slide from the seminar

Participants expectations for the day
After everyone was introduced, participants were divided into six groups for breakout rooms conversations with one facilitator from the project in each group. In the breakout rooms participants shared their core stories and everyone else in the room gave tips on how it could be better and encouragement and told what they especially liked in the story. There was also time for more relaxed talking where even some tenuous plans to visit each other were hatched.

photo participants digital seminar

One group networking
After lunch it was time for the keynote speaker Antti Haase to do his presentation. He provided insight on storytelling and showed adverts that used storytelling to create emotions in consumers and he asked questions about them to make sure the participants understood what he was telling them. Antti also had participants practicing storytelling on each other.

slide from key note speaker antti haase

Antti also presented different architypes of business stories and different parts of the business the story can be based around like the company’s origin or its workers. After that Antti talked more in depth about the script writing process and shared how to start the process and different script writing methods.

It was an intensive day full of interactions, conversations, and learning. We hope, that our participants gained a lot of insights and knowledge that they will successfully utilize while refining their stories and starting the script writing process.


Business along the Northern Lights Route?

MyStory project promotes small tourism companies in the Northern Lights Route area through corporate storytelling and digital marketing.

MyStory project

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Design & code: Gnist / Illustrations: Anna Koi