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Register for the webinar “Strategic Storytelling and Content Marketing”

MyStory project starts the series of open webinars on Digital marketing.

Our first webinar “Strategic Storytelling and Content Marketing” will be held on 2 December at 10.00 EET and will show you how to use storytelling as a digital marketing tool. We will discuss the elements of a successful content strategy and teach you how to build one yourself. Since the A and O of strategic storytelling is knowing your audience, we go in-depth on customer profiling. How can you identify who you should be talking to? And how can you know whether you actually reach them? We have the answers!


10.00 – 10.05 Welcome

10.05 – 11.35 Ingrid Birknes Langhelle ” Strategic Storytelling and Content Marketing ” (incl. Q+A)

11.35 – 11.55 Ottilie Geiger “Crash Course in Digital Audience Analysis ”

11.55 – 12.00 Final Q+A

Guest speakers:

Ingrid Birkenes Langhelle
Ingrid is a content marketer currently working for Kreativ Industri (Norway). With a background in Creative Writing (University of Roehampton), Sustainable tourism (Universitetet i Rovaniemi) and a Master’s degree in Tourism Studies (UiT – The Arctic University of Norway) Ingrid is uniquely suited to share her expertise on brand communication, strategic storytelling and content marketing with the MyStory project.

Ottilie Geiger
Ottilie Geiger is a MyStory project member working for Halti Business Garden (Norway). Her background includes a Bachelor’s degree in Philology and Media studies (LMU Munich), a Master’s in Tourism Studies with focus on sustainable destination development (UiT) and 5+ years of experience working with communications design in the tourism industry.




Business along the Northern Lights Route?

MyStory project promotes small tourism companies in the Northern Lights Route area through corporate storytelling and digital marketing.

MyStory project

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Design & code: Gnist / Illustrations: Anna Koi