These are the people who make MyStory happen.

Saila Puukko
I am working as a project manager in MyStory project at Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Digital Solutions. I live and work in Tornio, which locate on the border of Finland and Sweden. This is also the place where The Northern Lights Route begins..or ends, depending on how you see it.
I have strong experience on creative and business development projects. I feel we have a lot of interesting and inspiring stories and cultural heritage in our region. We need to bring our Northern Lights stories into life!

Inger Birkelund
I am from Storslett. I tell stories, both as a performer, by producing digital storytelling and through projectdeveloping using stories of local culture and history. I love our northern nature and lights, and like to spend time outdoors hiking or skiing. And I love relaxing on the couch reading a book.

Hanna Lakkala
I’m a geographer and futurist working as a Project manager at Finland Futures Research Centre. I’ve worked in Europe, Asia and Latin America with foresight processes, sustainable development and increasingly with regional development. Lately my focus has shifted back to my home region in the North, its cross-border regional development context and sustainable futures. I believe that the cultural history and the stories of the region, in combination with the varied landscapes, offer a great setting for the development of sustainable tourism along the Northern lights route.

Iina Askonen
I work as a travel and project coordinator at Pello’s Development Ltd, one of the project partners in My Story project. I’m also a passionate photographer and part time entrepreneur. I enjoy the outdoors in many different ways.

Anja Thonhaugen
I work at Halti Næringshage in Nordreisa where I mainly work with project and business development. I’m passionate about business and regional development which is why I’m really excited to be part of this project. I think that storytelling is a very powerful marketing tool that businesses should utilize to a greater degree.

Päivi Hanni-Vaara
I am a Senior Lecturer of Tourism at the Lapland UAS, Multidimensional Tourism Institute (MTI) in Rovaniemi. My background is strongly in Tourism intermediary business, especially in digital sales and marketing. My expertise and interests are in Customer Insight and Customer Experience Management that has led me to study in a “Culture Based Service Design” doctoral program at the University of Lapland. The key values that drive in my life are practicality and co-creation.

Trude Indrebø
I work in project and business development in Halti Næringshage in Storslett. I am the most frequent visitor to any cultural productions that happen within our municipality! Concerts, theatre, film, wine tasting, festivals or lectures or any other event – Trude is there to enjoy what’s on offer. Being outdoors in nature, whatever the season, is important to me and I love that we have so much space in Nord-Troms – space to think and to move freely.