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Our Stories music released

On Monday 13.8.2018 was a special day for a Our Stories project team. At that day long waited music was released. 2 CDs are made by JORD and Visa Nordica.

The 2 musical productions are an opportunity to experience the Nordic songs inspired by the Northern Lights Route (Road 99). The lyrics are inspired by the stories shared by local people. With this music the listener is introduced into our rich landscape and region.

On Monday Our Stories team organized a media event in Luleå. We were happy to realise that the topic attracted several media people to come and listen us!



Affärer längs Norrskensvägen?

MyStory-projektet främjar små turistföretag i Norrskensvägen -området genom företagsberättelser och digital marknadsföring.

MyStory projekt

Alla rättigheter förbehållna | Our Stories
Design och kod: GnistAnna Koi