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Ghost walk -tour in Kemi

Ghosts, witches and other scary creatures and stories come alive every year in this season. During Halloween week there have been arranged many events in different cities and places where local stories of ghosts and supernatural are told, along the Northern Lights Route also. Travelling guides from VisitSeaLapland arranged ghost walk tour in Kemi at tuesday 31.10.2017. During ghost  walk four guides led over 30 people across the city and told several ghost stories in six different spots at town.

Dark and cold evening was perfect for gloomy atmosphere that was on the topic. Stories that storyteller/guide Päivi Koskela  told were interesting, little bit morbid but also funny. Event was for all ages. The idea of ghost walk tour of event came first to Päivi herself: “My own interest for ghost stories and strong folklore of this region gave inspiration and big impact personally.” she tells. Over the years Päivi has heard many stories that have stayed in her mind from local people. Folk legend tell’s that Pohjan Akka (Louhi, familiar from Finland’s national epic poetry  Kalevala) origin is from Sea Lapland and the Hag of Selkä-Sarvi island for example, are stories that have lived decades in the region.  Stories and storytelling play big part in travelling guides work, as they work as a tool to share information.

The event was free and open for public. Kemi is very familiar place to me personally, but i didn’t know that we have so many urban ghost stories also in town. For example, ghost that lives in towns swimming baths and has terrified people from cellar was new to me. Every story told on tour were connected to local history of Sea Lapland. Next ghost walk is arranged tomorrow, Saturday 4th of November at the same time 18.00 pm. Tour starts from Culture Center of Kemi.

Article written by Henri Finström, Project worker

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