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Shaman drums

Shaman drum

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Story says that one well known shaman could fly with his slade and predict the future. Shamans used variety of magical items to perform their rituals.” Lapland UAS’s Visual Art student Erika Pöytäkangas has made a painting about the drum. The drum has symbols Sami people has used in the past.

Lapland UAS`s Visual Art student Erika Pöytäkangas has made a painting about the drum. The drum has symbols Sami people has used in the past.

“Perimätiedon mukaan tunnettu shamaani pystyi lentämään kelkallansa ja ennustamaan tulevaisuutta. Shamaanit käyttivät apunaan erilaisia taikaesineitä omien rituaaliensa suorittamiseen.”

Kuvataiteen opiskelija Eerika Pöytäkangas käytti rummussa lapin saamelaisten aikanaan käyttämiä symboleita.



Country of origin: Finland

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Design & code: Gnist / Illustrations: Anna Koi