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Heaven and earth merge with flames
To warm shades

I look at the endless landscape around me
I look and hear
It speaks

I’m alone, but not lonely

I breathe deeply

I’m at home.

Jenna Hepoaho is Visual Art Student from Lapland UAS. She participated on story collection trip in early September 2017. She has made a poem and painting about the lappish landscape.

Taivas ja maa yhtyvät liekkeihin
Lämpimiin sävyihin

Katson loputonta maisemaa ympärilläni
Katson ja kuulen
Se puhuu

Olen yksin, mutten yksinäinen

Hengitän syvään

Olen kotona.


Jenna Hepoaho on Lapin AMKin kuvataiteen opiskelija. Hän osallistui syksyllä 2017 tarinankeruumatkalle.

Country of origin: Finland

Business along the Northern Lights Route?

MyStory project promotes small tourism companies in the Northern Lights Route area through corporate storytelling and digital marketing.

MyStory project

All rights reserved | Our Stories/My Story | GDPR
Design & code: Gnist / Illustrations: Anna Koi