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Storyteller Ernst Isaksen

Kven stories from Storslett region

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Ernst Isaksen is a former teacher and politician. After he retired he started to focus his interest in local history. In this interview he tell’s two stories that that tells about Kven immigration to Nord-Troms and how they have been seen through history.

This interview is in Norwegian.

My name is Ernst Isaksen and I was born and raised in Nord-Troms, in what is now Nordreisa municipality. After I retired I could focus on my interest in local history. The history is particularly important in this region, because of the ethnic groups that have, and still, live up here. This has created a unique culture. When I was young, people had stronger ethnic identities, the Sámi and Kven were perhaps more noticeable.

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Ernst Isaksen er tidligere lærer og politiker. Etter at han ble pensjonert, har han viet tid til sin interesse for lokalhistorie. I intervjuet forteller han to historier om kvener som kom til regionen, og hvordan kvenene historisk sett er blitt oppfattet.

Country of origin: Norway

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Design & code: Gnist / Illustrations: Anna Koi