See the text in the original language
Photo: Lasse Stenman
The song has been inspired by Lars Suo’s story (clic here to listen to the interview) about the murder in Swedish Kukkola in Haparanda. This horrible event took place in the beginning of the last century and is a true story. In short, it is all about a mistress and a maid in a farm, who did not get along. One day their quarrel went too far and in the heat of the moment, the maid lost her mind and it all ended in her murdering the mistress.
Not a fun story, but at the same time a story that shows the other side of life. Everything is not just sunshine and «dancing on roses». Human mind is sometimes unpredictable and acts can get unexpected, and as in this story, terrible consequences.
Frans Kerttu’s story is also written down and edited by the daughter’s son, you can read the english text version here.
VisaNordica – The Sound of the Northern Lights Route
The stories behind the songs are written by singer/artist/landscape architect Elina Söderström and all the songs and lyrics are written by singer-songwriter/producer Esa Rautiainen, from Studio E-City, which is one of the partners in the project Our Stories. Elina and Esa are also members of the music group VisaNordica.
Our task in this project was to make songs with historical perspective. We hope You enjoy the musical journey along the Northern Lights Route with us!
Elina Söderström, Project Manager, Studio E-City ky
Mordet i Kukkolaby
Sången har fått sin inspiration av Lars Suos berättelse om mordet i svenska Kukkola i Haparanda. Den här fasansfulla händelsen ägde rum i början av förra seklet och är alltså en sann historia. I korthet handlar det hela om att husmodern och pigan på gården inte kom överens. En dag gick det för långt och i stundens hetta tappade pigan sinnet och det hela slutade med att pigan tog livet av husmodern.
Ingen rolig historia men samtidigt visar berättelsen en annan sida av livet. Allt är inte bara solsken och “dans på rosor”. Människans sinne är ibland oberäknelig och hur hen agerar kan få oväntade, och som i den här historien, fruktansvärda konsekvenser.
Country of origin: Sweden