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Our Stories Storybook

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Since august 2017, the Our Stories project has collected and been inspired by tales told by local people and visitors along The Northern Lights Route. The route connects not only three neighbouring countries, but six distinct languages: Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Meänkieli, Kven and Sami.

This storybook is a limited edition of 30 chosen stories from the project period, 10 from each country. The stories are grouped into three main themes:
NORTHERN – meaning our northern lifestyle and northern identity;
LIGHTS – highlighting the way the light changes during the year, which according to Sami tradition has eight seasons, not four;
ROUTE – leaving home and coming back.

The Storybook is one of the main story-productions made in a project called “Our Stories – the business of using storytelling to draw people in”. The Our Stories project was financed by Interreg Nord, under a priority: “Culture & Environment” and was implemented in between August 2016 – June 2019.

Partners were from all three bordering countries: Finland, Sweden and Norway.
Partners were: Lapland University of Applied Science, Studio E-city Ky, Ihana! AS, JORD & Sverigefinska folkhögskolan.

Editors: Inger Birkelund & Saila Puukko
Illustrations & cover: Anna Koivukangas
Layout: Minttu Merivirta

And you can download e-book from iBook, Google and Amazon:


If you like to order the printed version of the book, please fill inn this form:
(Price 130 NOK, delivery costs included)

Order the printed Storybook from E-bok Norden



Bedrift langs Nordlysvegen?

MyStory-prosjektet fremmer små reiselivsbedrifter langs Nordlysveien gjennom historiefortelling og digital markedsføring.

MyStory prosjekt

Ønsker du å snakke med noen om Our Stories?


Saila Puukko
Lapland UAS

Kauppakatu 58
95400 Tornio

+358 (0)40 7528573


Elina Söderström
Studio E-City ky

Saarenpäänkatu 39
95430 Tornio

+358 (0)44 0931214


Inger Birkelund
ihana! as

Hovedveien 2
N-9151 Storslett

+47 92055728


Annika Kronqvist
Svefi Academy

Torget 3
SE-953 32 Haparanda

+46 922 688 17


Erling Fredriksson
JORD Ek. För.

Kyrkbacken 21
980 61 Tärendö
0046-(0)978-718 39

Alle rettigheter reservert | Our Stories
Design & kode: Gnist / Anna Koi