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The village of Storslett

The good village life

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Tove Raappana Reibo and her family chose living in a village over living in a town when they settled in the north of Norway. She tells about how this has made their lives more compact – you meet the same people at kindergarden, at the shop and at choir practice, it is easier to get to know people.

The story is in Norwegian.

Tove Raappana Reibo og familien hennes valgte å bosette seg på bygda i steder for i by da de skulle slå seg ned i Nordnorge. Hun forteller hvordan dette påvirket livene deres – du møter de samme menneskene i barnehagen, på butikken og på korøving. Det er lettere å bli kjent med folk.

Country of origin: Norway

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Saila Puukko
Lapland UAS

Kauppakatu 58
95400 Tornio

+358 (0)40 7528573


Elina Söderström
Studio E-City ky

Saarenpäänkatu 39
95430 Tornio

+358 (0)44 0931214


Inger Birkelund
ihana! as

Hovedveien 2
N-9151 Storslett

+47 92055728


Annika Kronqvist
Svefi Academy

Torget 3
SE-953 32 Haparanda

+46 922 688 17


Erling Fredriksson
JORD Ek. För.

Kyrkbacken 21
980 61 Tärendö
0046-(0)978-718 39

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Suunnittelu ja koodi: Gnist / Anna Koi