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“Elävä tarinakirjasto” – The living story library event was success in Tornio

Our Stories project organized a living story library event in Tornio at the same time of Art Bazar event that’s been over 20 years in Aine art museum in Tornio. Our Event was in Tornio city library which is in same building as art museum. Both institutes gathered many visitors during weekend 28-29.10.2017.

In a Living Library, you don’t borrow a book, you borrow a person. In this event, these persons told a story that was connected to Northern Lights Route. We had overall five living books in two day event. Merja Ruth’s story was about strange events during berry gathering trip in her childhood.  Irma Ihalainen-Kemi told a story of tax-man’s murder before WW1 in Tornio valley. Elina Stoor told a road story where she and her friend countered strange phenomena when they were driving by car in Northern Lights Route. Katariina Salo told historical stories from Tornio’s old train station. Adam Huuva told kayaki-race story. Stories duration was from 10 to 15 minutes.

Living books were borrowed 79 times during the weekend and event received very positive reception from visitors. Library as a home of stories was very natural place to our project to organize something like this. We are aiming to arrange something similar in future.

… To be continued

Business along the Northern Lights Route?

MyStory project promotes small tourism companies in the Northern Lights Route area through corporate storytelling and digital marketing.

MyStory project

All rights reserved | Our Stories/My Story | GDPR
Design & code: Gnist / Illustrations: Anna Koi