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Art in all its forms

Gunhild Stensmyr is a Swedish curator and cultural entrepreneur. She has studied archaeology, ethnology and…

From dairy farm to boutique

Pia Hulkoff is an entrepreneur at the Hulkoffgården family company in Korpikylä, Tornedalen. – My…

Our Stories attracted media in Rajalla shopping centre

The media event was organised 10.1.2017 in Tornio. The project team presented the project to…

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Our Stories launch @Rajalla kauppakeskus Tornio

We are in Rajalla kauppakeskus on 10th of january to talk about the project. Story collecting…

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Saila Puukko
Lapland UAS

Kauppakatu 58
95400 Tornio

+358 (0)40 7528573


Elina Söderström
Studio E-City ky

Saarenpäänkatu 39
95430 Tornio

+358 (0)44 0931214


Inger Birkelund
ihana! as

Hovedveien 2
N-9151 Storslett

+47 92055728


Annika Kronqvist
Svefi Academy

Torget 3
SE-953 32 Haparanda

+46 922 688 17


Erling Fredriksson
JORD Ek. För.

Kyrkbacken 21
980 61 Tärendö
0046-(0)978-718 39

Alle rettigheter reservert | Our Stories
Design & kode: Gnist / Anna Koi